Updated Masking Guidelines

Thursday May 20th, 2021

Last week the CDC updated its masking guidelines for fully vaccinated people. If you are fully vaccinated you can resume activities that you did prior to the pandemic. You can resume these activities without wearing a mask or physically distancing, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance.

At FHMS, we still require facemasks in our locations. If you are coming in for an appointment, or accompanying a patient, or for any other reason, you must continue to wear a face mask – even if you are fully vaccinated.

Please note that the new CDC guidelines ONLY apply to those who are fully vaccinated people. You are fully vaccinated 2 weeks after getting your second dose of the COVID-19 Vaccine, or 2 weeks after the single-dose vaccine such as Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine. If you are not full vaccinated, you should continue to wear a mask in public.

If you haven’t been vaccinated yet, find a vaccine: Chautauqua County COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics

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